"Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
Colossians 3:13
This text served as my morning meditation today. I was struck by the subtle resentments that came to view as I closed my eyes. My natural inclination was to resist this admonition. Later, I read the following coment from A.W. Tozer, penned about 60 years ago...
" I do not believe that a spirit of resentment can dwell in a loving heart. In the course of scores of conferences and hundreds of conversations I have many times heard people say: "I resent that!"
But I have never heard that said by any man or woman living in conscious Christian victory!
Before resentment can enter, love must take flight and bitterness take over. The bitter soul will compile a list of slights at which it takes offense and dwell over them like a mother bear over her cubs.
Few sights are more depressing than than that of a professed Christian defending his supposed rights and bitterly resisting any attempt to violate them. Such a Christian never accepted the way of the cross. The sweet graces of meekness and humility are unknown to him.
The only cure for this sort of thing is to die to self and rise with Christ into newness of life. The man who sets the will of God as his goal will reach that goal, not by self defense, but by self abnegation. Then no matter what sort of treatment he receives from his fellow men he will be altogether at peace.
The will of God has been done - whether by curses or compliments he cares not, for he seeks not one or the other but only to do the will of God at any cost!
If there be some who take pleasure in holding him down, he is still content within himself, and will not resent them, for he seeks not advancement but the will of God."